

Name of the Presenting Officer:  


Office Address:                         


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i           Maintenance of Industrial peace.

ii          Ensuring wages, safety, welfare, working hours, weekly & other holidays, leave,, bonus and gratuity etc. for workers.

iii         Promotion of welfare and social security of workers by implementation of schemes.

Functions (General):

  1. Maintenance of harmonious Industrial relations by resolving industrial disputes and facilitation of fair wage settlements through conciliation and adjudication. 
  2. Promotion of Welfare and Social Security of workers by implementation of schemes of Telangana Building and Other Construction Workers welfare Board, Telangana Labour Welfare Board and A.P. State Social Security Board for Unorganized Workers

iii.Securing safety, welfare, specified working hours, weekly and other holidays, leave, appointment letters, identity cards etc. to the workers by implementation of 22 Central and 4 State Acts          

iv.Fixation, revision and ensuring payment of Minimum Wages to the workers in 73 Scheduled Employments.

v.Settlement of claims for wages, Employees’ Compensation, Gratuity, Bonus etc., for workers through summary quasi-judicial proceedings.

  1. Registration and Licensing of Establishments and collection of labour welfare fund.

    Registration of Trade Unions. Rescue and release of child labour. Certification of Standing Orders for Industries. Assessment and collection of Cess from construction works. Registration of building and other construction workers. Registration of unorganized workers.


Functions (Statutory)

i           Labour Acts implementation.

ii          Conciliation under Industrial Disputes Act.

iii         Quasi-judicial under Minimum Wages Act, Payment of Wages Act, Equal Remuneration Act, Payment of Gratuity Act, Shops and Establishments Act and Employees Compensation Act

iv         Registration of Trade Unions.

v          Registering/Licensing of Shops, Establishments.

vi         Certification of Standing Orders.

vii        Collection and assessment of Cess from construction works.

viii       Registration of building and other construction workers and unorganized workers.

  1. Implementation of Welfare and Social Security Schemes:


  1. The Telangana Labour Welfare Board:

Established under Telangana Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1987 vide G.O.Ms. No. 65, LET & F (Lab) Department, Dt: 29-09-2016. The Board formulates welfare schemes and are implemented by the labour department. Workers in Factories, Shops and Establishments, Motor Transport Undertakings, Societies and Trusts are covered. The main source of fund is contribution Rs.7/- per worker per year, unclaimed wages, other sources of income like building rent and grants made by the Government. The Asst. Commissioners of Labour receive applications and settle claims under the/schemes.

  1. The Telangana Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board: 

The Telangana Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare Board was established by the Government of Telangana State under Building and other Construction Workers (RE&CS) Act, 1996. The Board formulates and are implemented by the labour department for the building and other construction workers.. The Asst.Labour officer are the registering  officers of workers under  the  BOCW Act 1996, after enquiring the claims received to this office . The  Assistant Commissioner of Labour will send the  claims to the board for the sanction of amount .The board will check and transfer the amount to the concerned beneficiary account under various welfare  schemes  as per act.

  1. Implementation of Minimum Wages:

Under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, minimum wages are fixed on the basis of basic survival needs of the workers and their families and revised once in five years. Cost of living allowance (VDA) is notified once in six months effective 1st April and 1st October. Minimum wages have been notified for 73 scheduled employments including 65 industry related employments and 8 agriculture and allied employments. Minimum Wages have been fixed on the recommendations of the State Minimum Wages Advisory Board/Committees. The Officers of the department who have been notified as inspectors file claims before the authorities for difference in wages in case of payment of less wages noticed on inspections/complaints. The officers of the department are notified as Authorities to hear and settle the claims expeditiously by summary proceedings

  1. Employees Compensation:

The Officers from Asst. Commissioner of Labour to Commissioner of Labour have been notified as Commissioners for Employees Compensation under the Employees Compensation Act, 1923. The Asst. Commissioners of Labour and Dy. Commissioners of Labour hear claims and award compensation in cases of accidental death or disability occurred in the course of employment. The Commissioners also apportion the amount of compensation among the dependents of the deceased workers and secure the apportioned compensation in case of minors and legally disable persons, in fixed deposits.

  1. Elimination of Child Labour:

The Department enforces the Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986 and other     child labour laws towards elimination of child labour.      

9.Payment of Wages Act, 1936: An Act to regulate payment of wages without delay and illegal deductions.

10.Telangana Shops and Establishments Act, 1988 : Registration and Renewal of Shops and Establishments, Regulation of Service Conditions of the Employees working in Shops and Establishments viz. working hours, holidays, leave, Welfare, safety and health measures etc

  1. Contract Labour(Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970: Registration of Principal employers and Licensing of Contractors – Regulation of Service Conditions of the Contract Employees viz. wages, working hours, holidays, leave, Welfare and health measures etc.
  2. Inter State Migrant Workmen(ROE&COS) Act, 1979: Registration of Principal employers and Licensing of Contractors engaging Inter State Migrant Workmen and regulation of their service conditions viz. wages, working hours, holidays, leave, welfare and health measures etc
  3. Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972: Provides for payment of gratuity to the employees engaged in factories, mines, oil fields, plantations, ports, railway companies, shops and establishments and educational institutions and for compulsory insurance. Maximum gratuity is Rs.10 lakhs.

14.Trade Unions’ Act,1926: Provides for Registration of Trade Unions and for regulation of their functioning.