Telangana, located strategically in the central region of the Indian sub-continent, has representatives of Indian plant and animal life. The vegetation found in the state is largely of dry deciduous type with a mixture of teak, and species of the genera Terminalia, Pterocarpus, Anogeissus etc . The varied habitat harbors a diversity of fauna which includes tiger, panther, wolf, wild dog, hyena, sloth bear, Gaur, Black Buck, Chinkara, Chowsingha, Nilgai, Cheetal, Sambar and a number of birds and reptiles in the forest.
The overall objective of the Telangana Forest Department is to conserve biodiversity and eco-systems of forests and wilderness areas to ensure water security and food security of the state. Wildlife and wildlife habitats should be conserved and sustainably managed to meet the social, economic, ecological, cultural, recreational and spiritual needs of the present and future generations of people in the state.