

Different Demographic Parameters and related Statistical Values
S.No. Demographic Item Description Value in Units
1 Area 3845 Sq Km
2 No. of Revenue Divisions 2
3 No. of Erstwhile Taluks 3
4 No. of Revenue Mandals 19 (18 Rural + 1 Urban)
5 No. of Mandal Praja Parishads 13
6 No. of Gram Panchayats 396
7 No. of Villages 430
8 No. of Municipalities 3
9 Total Population 709418
10 Population (Male) – % 346721 – 50.27%
11 Population (Female) 362697 – 49.73%
12 Rural Population 557736 – 79 %
13 Urban Population 151682 – 21 %
14 Total No Of Families 165763
15 Population Density per Sqm 185
16 Children Population (0-6 yrs) 82769
17 Literacy Percentage 58 %
18 Scheduled Caste Population 108085
19 Scheduled Tribe Population 80576
20 Labour Population 376760
21 No.of Farmers 126363
22 Agricultural Market committees 5
23 Rythu Bazaars 0
24 Veterinary Poly Clinics 0
25 Veterinary Hospitals 3
26 Veterinary Dispensaries 29
27 Medical Sub Centers 132
28 Primary Health Centers 22
29 Community Health Centers 2
30 Teaching Hospital 1
31 Primary Schools 599
32 Upper Primary Schools 207
33 High Schools 210
34 Model Schools 1
35 KGBV 18
36 Central Schools 0
37 Junior Colleges 47
38 Degree Colleges 25
39 B.Ed. Colleges 1
40 Old Age Pensions 33623
41 Disabled Pensions 9976
42 Widow Pensions 35847
43 Text Tile Worker Pensions 29
44 Toddy Toper Pensions 249
45 Anti Retra viral Therapy 0
46 Financial Assistance To Beedi Workers 56629
47 Fair Price Shops 387
48 Road Transport Corporation Depots 2
49 Railway Stations 0
50 Forest Area In SqKMs 1213.08
51 Major Irrigation Projects 1
52 Middle Level Irrigation Projects 3
53 Head Post Office 0
54 Sub Post Offices 15
55 Branch Post Office 107
56 Nationalized Banks 17
57 Private Banks 5
58 Regional Rural Banks 28
59 Cooperative Banks 9
60 Telephone Exchanges 30
61 Police Stations 22
62 Toursim Centres 2